In collaboration with the
International Astronomical Union
latest news
  • Four new astronomically related properties have been inscribed on the World Heritage List...
  • See more…

Find Astronomical Heritage
Locate astronomical heritage geographically and/or temporally
Locate (or submit) Places connected to the Sky

What is astronomical heritage?

Cultural heritage related to the sky is a vital component of cultural heritage in general.
Why preserve it?
What is the purpose of this web portal?


Astronomy and world heritage

This portal was set up to support UNESCO’s Astronomy and World Heritage Initiative (AWHI) and continues to provide thematic essays, case studies and general information, for example on preparing a nomination dossier for the World Heritage List.

We encourage professional users to register and login in order to view detailed information, propose a new case study or suggest changes to an existing one.


Astronomical heritage categories

Click on the different parts of this diagram to find out more about a certain category of astronomical heritage.

Sites and Landscapes Instruments and archives Knowledge and ideas Dark skies Cultural and natural


Regional and national heritage

We are developing a list of astronomical heritage resources at the regional or national level that are available on other internet sites. If you have items that you would like added to this list, please contact our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Dark skies

See our Dark Skies Information page for further information about International Dark Sky Reserves, Starlight Reserves, and other Dark Sky Places.